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Reels cabinet


I have two great passions in my life; Visiting the waterfront with a fishing rod to do fly fishing and make extraordinary furniture. My love for fly fishing has inspired me to make this uniquely piece of furniture.

Dutch reel cabinet!

On the waterfront, the place where fishermen meet, fish together, admire each other's fishing tackle, and drink a good glass of whiskey with each other.

This cabinet doesn't need an explanation. The real fly fisherman will recognize the camaraderie, trying out new equipment, the power of good tools, the pride in the result and fall in love with it.


On the moon-shaped bowls fit 8 personal reels. The circles are made in blue-colored salmon skins, the color of the water the mirror of life. The salmon, the king of fish, is an animal that is not easy to catch. The shield in hand-cut scales, plated with platinum. The walnut wood with its warm appearance and the particularly gilded details. The hand-blown glass.

The power of real nature lovers, refined details, combined with the resourcefulness of modern comfort. Cheers!

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